Thursday 17 November 2011


Dominus Vobiscum
"May God be with you"
      Located in Charlevoix Quebec, Microbrasserie Charlevoix is currently brewing some of the best Belgian beers not only in Canada, but the world (including Belgium). This is the second product I have had the pleasure to taste,  and after the mind altering experience of the first (Dominus Vobiscum Blanche), I am quite excited to try this high ABV belgian on the first cold night of the winter.
      Triple pours a hazy golden orange hue, with a big head that I have to fight back with a judicious pouring hand. Hanging around forever, the head is constantly fed by the alarming amount of active carbonation streaming up my trusty pint glass. It smells of yeast, sweet pink grapefruit, cilantro, clove, dried apricots and musty apple. The first cautious sip (did I mention its' 9% ABV?)  brings a whirlwind of flavours as belgians seem to do, with light malt, bread, clove, and dried fruit all playing roles in the body. The finish starts off with bitter grapefruit and orange pith, and winds up with herbal hops that are buoyed and lengthened by the warm booziness of it all. Much like a good wine, this beer has legs. The carbonation keeps it refreshing, and the medium weight balances the light syrup, but not oily mouthfeel.
      Overall this is another fantastic beer from Dominus Vobiscum. The heavy ABV is very well hidden, even dangerously so, by the artful craftsmanship of this brewers' hand. True to form and true to function, the flavour fills the soul and the mind if you aren't careful. Watch out! I give it 8/10.


  1. The brewery is Microbrasserie Charlevoix.
    Dominus Vobiscum is one of their ranges of beers.

  2. Thanks Roger, I totally missed that even though I visited their site at least three times. Cheers!
    Fixed the post.
